We will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for Presidents' Day.

Neck CT Angiogram- About the Exam

Mountain Medical offers neck CT angiogram for patients with injuries, pain, or other problems in the neck. Neck CT angiogram uses a CT scanner to produce detailed images of blood vessels and the tissues in the neck. A contrast material is typically used to produce clearer images and identify injuries, aneurysms, blockages, disorganized blood vessels and blood supply tumors, and other abnormalities.

What you can expect during a neck CT angiogram:

  • A technologist will have you lay flat on your back on the examination table.
  • If a contrast material is used, you will feel a pin prick when the needle is inserted into your vein.
  • You may be asked to hold your breath during the scanning. Any motion, whether breathing or body movements, can lead to artifacts on the images.
  • When the brain CT is completed, you will be asked to wait until the technologist verifies that the images are of high enough quality for accurate interpretation.
  • A neck CT angiogram is usually completed within 15 minutes.

Learn how to prepare for a neck CT angiogram.

Learn the benefits and risks of neck CT angiogram.

Watch the CT - What to Expect Video.